By Oluwatise Benson
Since the dawn of time, dogs have been regarded as “man’s best friend,” with good reason. People who hold a special place in their hearts for Golden Retrievers and know just how epic this breed really is will continuously recommend to potential pet-owners that they adopt one of these dogs into their homes. However, in the last few years we have seen a change regarding pet ownership dynamics. Cats, traditionally perceived as less affectionate and unsociable than dogs are rapidly becoming the new symbol of man’s best friend, but if there is a feline revolution happening at sea, it’s likely manifesting on land as well, subtly shaping the way we view our own pets and what value we seek in them.
What all this represents is not a fad in preference from dogs to cats, but a change along with the times. With urbanization and architects buildings smaller apartments, the request for self-sustaining pets increased and cats fit perfectly into the job description and lives of busy professionals and urbanites.
Different cat owners have different things they find adorable in their cats, let me start with Oyinkansola, a cat owner and lover says; “The most adorable thing about my cat is that he kills rats.” while reliving the days of being addicted to Tom and Jerry. “Seeing ‘musu'(the name of her cat) hunt for rats around the house and just showing off his kill after, and for someone that doesn’t like rats, i think that’s adorable, even though he doen’t like sleeping at home.” Another cat owner that likes to go with the name “Hot Mess,” revealed that “one thing I absolutely love is how Femi (the name of her cat) shows his presence. i’d be laying down and he would lie on me or place his paw on my hand and proceed to lick my face.”
Dogs are generally viewed as devoted and soft-hearted, but cats offer a different, one that is often misjudged, type of companionship. Cats have a calming presence and know when their owners need comfort, confessing that the purs of their cats have a therapeutic effects, reducing their stress and helping them relax. Hot Mess further acknowledged the emotional intelligence of her cat, stating that, “Sometime last week, I had an absolutely shitty day and I was lying on the rug in the sitting room. Femi just stayed with me, not disturbing me or anything, He was just there for me. He understood it and I understood it too.” In an era where mental health is gaining attraction by many and is increasingly prioritised, cat owners like Hot Mess find the subtle and non-intrusive affection of their cats more comforting than that of a vibrant dog, “Femi’s favourite way of showing affection is walking in circles, making sure He rubs my body with every turn, biting me is a close second.” Hot Mess confessed, Oyin also added that “Musu shows affection through cuddling.” The emotional support role cats play is a testament to their growing role in providing emotional stability to their owners.
The relationship between these furry creatures and their owners is evolving. Dogs seek constant attention but cats, on the other hand, offer a more reciprocal relationship. They show affection on their own terms as they can also be independent, which many cat owners find exhilarating as it allows a less demanding and equally rewarding relationship. Oyin said “having a cat has taught how to be neat, I’m not saying I’m dirty but musu is just a neat freak and I have learnt that from him” she further stated that “my cat has not ever used the litter, he always poos and pees in the bathroom, so in the house, we have Musu’s bathroom” and Hot Mess on the other hand, learnt that “sleep is always the solution, Femi taught me that.” further expatiating on the equally beneficial relationship and that you can learn from anyone, even your pets.
These cat owners went as far as saying “If I could ask for a super power for Femi, it would be the power of speaking, this cat definitely has a lot to say” Hot Mess said while laughing, Oyin wish was, “with how good musu is at stealing food, I wish he’d be able to provide me money anytime I need it.”
Cats are proving that they can offer just as much emotional support, joy and companionship as their competitors, dogs, in their own unique way. If this shift will lead to cats fully usurping dogs in the pecking order of pet references remains unclear but one thing is absolutely clear: The age of cats is now.
The rise of “Femi and Musu” as beloved friends and confidantes reflect the changes in our society, lifestyle and what people like “Hot Mess and Oyin” seek in their pets. While dogs will always be cherished for their loyalty, cats are making a case for themselves to be just as loyal and worthy of the “man’s best friend” title. As humans advance, so too will our relationships with our pets, regardless of if they bark or purr.