Michael Abiodun OLANREWAJU.
On May 25, 1963, the Organization Of African Unity (OAU) was formed when the Head of States of the 32 independent African countries came together at a conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to sign a charter signalling it’s birth.
Before the formation of OAU, events in Europe and America has shaped the course of history of Africa. It would be recalled that the European Congress at Berlin, Germany in 1884 led to the race of acquisition of colony and subsequent colonization of most African countries. However, the campaign for abolition of slavery and slave trade, advent of evangelism and the two World Wars influenced nationalist agitations and egalitarian thoughts all over the world. It is against these backgrounds that the quest for independence and unity of the continent of Africa which has experienced long years of subjugation and deprivation could be understood.
Before the formation of OAU, two African continental groupings were formed. There was Casablanca group that consists of those considered radical countries of Ghana, Guinea. Morocco, Mali and United Arab Emirates named after the Casablanca charter of January 1961. The second was Monrovia group, consisting of liberal countries of Nigeria, Ethiopia, Liberia as well as the Brazaville twelve former French countries of Senegal, Niger, Ivory Coast, Dahomey (Benin Republic), Gabon, Mauritania, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), Chad, Cameroon, Congo (Brazaville), Madagasçar and Central Africa Republic that signed Lagos accord of December, 1962.
That African leaders could come together to form an organization to champion the course of unity and oneness was beyond imagination as most of the 32 independent African countries Head of Stares had varying philosophical and ideological learnings based on the East- West, Socialists, Communists, Capitalists, Welfarists school of thoughts that dominated international affairs then.
Thus, Africa Head of States like Emperor Haile Selaise of Ethiopia, President Osagyefo (Dr ) Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Alhaji (Sir) Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Modibo Keita of Mali, Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea, and a host of others with less radical thoughts submerged their differences for the greater interest of Africa in the emerging international politics then.
The objectives and goals of setting up the OAU were clearly stated in it’s charter, particularly Article 11 which states that:
1.The Organization shall have the following purposes;
(a)To promote unity and solidarity of the African States,
(b) To co-ordinate and intensify their co-operation and efforts to achieve a better life for the people of Afriça;
(c)To defend their sovereignty , their territorial integrity and independence
(d) To eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa
- To these ends the member states shall co-ordinate and harmonize their general policies, especially in the following fields; 3.(a) Political and diplomatic co-operation;
(b) Economic co-operation including transport and communication;
(c) Educational and cultural co-operation
(d)Health, sanitation and nutritional co-operation;
(e) Scientific and technical co-operation; and
(f) Co-operation for defence and security.
This, the objectives and goals of OAU at the formative stage was tailored towards the unity of the continent at international level for it to be able to rid the continent of the twin evils of colonialism and apartheid, settle disputes between member states, maintain territorial integrity of member states to wade any form of suspición among member states.
Several structures were put in place by the organization to achieve its set objectives such as The Assembly of Head of States and Government, Council of Ministers, General Secretariat, Commission for mediation, conciliation and arbitration and others.
The organization has been able to forge a supranational unity that transcends any primordial considerations- ideological blocs, ethnic, religious and even colonial attachments/cleavages. This bond of unity became manifest at the international diplomatic levels where Africa was able to speak with one voice at the United Nations. Africa started having envoys to represent it’s general interest at the UN. This was a radical change or departure from the past when Africa present their demands in discordant manners.
The OAU has performed creditably well in areas of political liberation of African States from their colonial masters. The OAU co-ordinating committee for the liberation of Africa has organized diplomatic support and channelled financial, military and logistical aids to liberation movements. This has made liberation struggle to be recognized as legitimate in the UN.At liberation, countries like Guinea Bissau, Angola and Mozambique received international support through funding by OAU. Various actions like taking Portugal to the International Court of Justice on the status of Namibia and the need to grant the territory it’s independence,UN boycott of racist South Africa,pressure on Britain as the colonial power that allowed Ian Smith unilateral declaration of independence over Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1965 to grant independence. It is to the credit of the organization that colonialism has been totally eradicated from Africa according to it’s charter.
Other areas of achievements of OAU includes defence of member states sovereignty and territorial integrity, resolution of boundary disputes and conflicts, Forster various economic and social co-operation in the continent.
Much as OAU tried in international politics, the challenges plaging it were wide ranging from political , economic to social ones that it has to change its name to African Union in 2002 after 39 years of existence.
Some of those noticeable challenges are political instability and military coups which non interference in territorial sovereignty of member states has hindered the organization from taking any action. The inability of OAU to make military coup an aberration by welcoming the coupist into their midst instead of ostracizing them make search for a more robust organization inevitable.
Civil wars has become a recurring feature in Africa. From North with Algeria, Libya, Sudan to Central Africa Republic, Congo,West Africa with Liberia, Sierra Leone, horn of Africa. Long years of warfare in Namibia which spanned over 29 years and some other parts of Africa has promoted hardships, sufferings, dislocation, poverty, malnutrition, hunger and starvation.If OAU has failed to integrate the economy of member states since it’s formation in 1963, has AU advanced beyond that level?
Some critics see the emergence of African Union has a response to globalisation and modelling of the European union. But then, are the Africa leaders prepared for the challenge of good governance, transparency and accountability that has sustained the EU?
The truth is that the founding fathers of OAU were far sighted in their quest for African unity with landmark achievements but the dynamics of international politics and the conspiracy against the continent in conjunction with several greedy neo- colonial leaders of Africa descent has affected the attainment of the set goals. Can Africa get 61 years of formation of OAU.